Monday, September 07, 2015


At the CQI retreat last year in Kansas City, I joined a Steampunk Round Robin together with Colleen, Elizabeth, Lisa and Lonna.

Some time ago I received my blocks back and just love them! Thank all you ladies for your lovely work.

But let's start at the beginning.
Because I didn't know much about Steampunk I have been searching the Internet for information.
I ordered some fabric with keys on it and here you can see the blocks I made for this swap.

I used the "key" fabric as guideline for the colors to use.
For the fabrics I tried to use colors that have the shade of silver, gold, copper, pewter etc.
Also I used shiny fabrics like silk, satin and so on to add some lustre.

Today I will show you the blocks that Elizabeth and Lisa have embellished.

Let's start with the block that Eliabeth has embellished:

And here a close-up, I love the way how Elizabeth outlined all the squares with beads on the silvergrey fabric:
And here a picture of the block that Lisa has embellished:

And here also a close-up of Lisa's work!

I love the big keys on the block, they look like real working keys......

For me it was quite difficult to find embellishments for on the blocks, since you can't find things like that here in Holland.

That is why my DH was so sweet to demolish parts of a clock for me..... 

Also I'd like to show you the last block I have worked on.
It is the one from Colleen.
Because there was a lot of black, grey and red in the block I picked, I decided to do the stitching in the same colors.
I first started making the spiderweb with DMC yarn (Fil or chiné noir) that I bought on last years retreat, after that added a red spider.
(Boy, I hope Colleen likes spiders.....).
Than I added the black lace and did the rest of the stitching.
After that came the clock parts, I sewed on the beads and sequins and added the buttons.
I hope Colleen likes her block!

And here a close-up of the stitching:

Next time I'll show you the blocks that Colleen and Lonna
have embellished for me!