A "sane" quilter for many years shows her steps into the world of crazy quilting and a glimpse of her daily life..
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Today I received this lovely fabric page from Ritva in Finland. Every month I have to make a fabric page and will receive one back, this during 14 months. The size of the fabric page is 15cm or 6 inch. My theme is France, it's landscape, or music and/or (of course my favorite) Joan of Arc. The fabric page from Ritva gives a real French feeling with it's glass of whine, landscape, olives and pain. Next time I'll show you a picture of the fabric page I made for Margreet,her theme is "with a song in my heart". This is a great start from my collection, thank you Ritva! Cést si si bon!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Spring is coming...
Yesterday it was very nice sunny weather over here and temperatures went up to 6 oC. The first signs of spring are already there, the crocusses and snowflakes start to bloom. This morning when I opened the curtains it started snowing lightly again. My 2 big friends were already waiting for their daily portion of carrots...LOL
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Today I finished the DYB block for Ati, hope she likes what I have done to her block. It became very different from the other blocks in this swap......
This morning I had my second painting lesson, I started last week to learn how to paint in acrylic and enjoy it very much. I have always painted in watercolour and wanted to try something more loosely. I will show you pictures of my work when it is finished in a few weeks.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Today I want to show you pictures of the quilttop I bought on Ebay last week. It is a vintage one and handsewn from fabrics made in the fourties and fifties. It arrived today by mail and I am very happy with it!
Saturday, February 07, 2009
BACK TO CQ!!! Now it is time to get back to Crazy Quilting. The inflammation is my shoulders is getting a bit better luckely. Before febr. 15th I have to finish 2 things. A fabric page for Margreet in the Netherlands and embellish a DYB block for Ati in Norway. The first one is finished, but I may not show you a picture before Margreet has received it. The block for Ati has as theme "Country Garden" and this is what I 've done so far. I hope to finish it tomorrow. Next weekend I've no time for sewing, I have to start washing, ironing and start packing for our trip to Florida from 19-28 febr. We leave on Thursday and I have to work on monday until wednesday before we leave. It is now 3 o C over here, misty and rainy weather and the forecast is snow again,we sure hope to catch some sunny weather over there. I am really looking forward to this trip because our son Wesley(23) will join us, it's his first trip to the USA and by plane. Also we haven't been on vacation together for at least 6 years!
Thursday, February 05, 2009
My Staphorst Quilt - part 3 - Today the last part, a bit late because I was in bed with the flu. First of all I like to thank you for your comments, I had fun writing this story! And Caro, you are right, Staphorst is in Overijssel. I always thought so too but changed it after reading a book on traditional costumes.......
Today I show you some blocks with daily wear which is much more colorful.
The next pictures are of some "kraplappen", the upper "kraplap" is for a woman, the one beyond is for a girl.
The last picture is of the backside of the quilt, the sleeve is also made from different fabrics.
The quilt is made of 10 rows of 8 blocks of 24 x 24 cm, which is a bit smaller than 10"x 10 ".
It is handsewn and handquilted with kobalt blue cotton quiltyarn. The name of the quilt is: "Blauw en groen, boerenfatsoen", a litteral translation: blue and green, farmers decency.