Sunday, December 20, 2015

CQJP 2015 blocks finished!

Just in time for the end of the year I finished the last two blocks for the CQJP2015.
It is difficult to get a good picture of the colors.
 I shot one in daylight and one in the evening.
Still they don't look as vibrant as they do in real life......

This is the first time that I managed to finish the 12 blocks for the CQJP in one year.  I am very happy with that!
I have sewn together the first six blocks and hope to sew  all 12 together before the end of the year....
Here you can see the first six blocks:

As you can see I have made blocks in different sizes, when the quilt is finished it will be rectangle.
Don't know if I like that.
Maybe I will make some more blocks to get it square.
And of course - as always - I will keep adding stitches and items to this quilt until I think it is finished!
Which is always a difficult decision......


  1. Congratulations on finishing, Wilma! Your blocks are lovely. It is fun to see the first ones sewn together. I look forward to seeing them when you feel the quilt is finished!

  2. These are just so lovely and when finished your crazy quilt will also be practical and use able to cuddle under! Congratulations!.

    My first CQJP only has two blocks finished, but I'm determined now that I'm retired to finish a number of my UFOs and display them too!

  3. Beautiful stitching Wilma! Love the colors and like the idea of different size blocks put together. Simply WOW!!!

  4. I just love that variegated arch seam! Very pretty.

  5. Wilma you do beautiful, even stitching. Loved looking at all of them.
