Sunday, February 25, 2007

Lesson 2
Here you can see what I have done until now.
I like the seam treatment in the upper right corner and the purple/green one next to the creme silk with flowers. The seam on the right side looked nice by evening but in daylight I think it is not strong enough, but I don't know what to do to improve it. The seam with the wagonwheels I don't especially like, think they look a bit like jellyfish.......LOL
Now I am wondering what to do with the short seams on the outside of the block, especially the purple/cream and creme/green seam on the right side of the block, I have to avoid that the eye leads to the outside of the block.
I would love to hear your comments.
I have just printed out lesson 3 and looking forward to
start with doing some SRE.

SOH Heart for Gerry
This is the heart I sent out this week to Gerry in Missouri. She asked for a Victorian one, hope she'll like it!

Sunday, February 18, 2007


After reading the first lesson and making a fotocopy of the block, I found out that I have a lot of difficult lines and angles in my block. (Due to my limited time I started with this block before reading the lessons...). I decided to stay working on this block and see how I can improve it.

The line in 1. is very long and I decided to sew a silk siggie on it to brake this line, later I can maybe do some SRE around it.

I think that I have to cover the angle in 2.with a buttontrail.

There is a lot of contrast between the 2 purple/lilac pieces in 3.
I am gonna sew a piece of lace between the 2 pieces.
The right corner of the block 4. is way to dark I think, hope I can cover it with the piece of lace I have chosen. I sure hope I made the right decisions, here you see the result on what I have done so far....

Last week we had our first snow this winter. We had about 10-15 cm snow and the next day everything was gone........
This pictures are made around the castle
in Doorwerth, about 10 km's from my home.
The tree on the pictures is said to be from the 12th century.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Also I wanted to show you a picture of the 6 squares I have finished until now. I love to make these little ones, but only wish I had some more time! I have a day off from work today, so I had time to finish some, now I have to start with ironing, not my favorite job......
Next week is spring holiday here in Holland and all mothers with little children want to have a short vacation, for me that means a workload of 42 hours, so not much time
for Crazy Quilting!


Today a picture of my yellow labrador Daisy, ain't she funny?

Sunday, February 11, 2007

week 6
This week Sharon challenged us to do the Algerian Eyestitch.
In Dutch it is called the Italiaanse stersteek.
I have done the square one and tried a row in triangle form.
It is done with WeekDyeWorks yarn, mermaid nr. 4217, it is variegated yellow/green/blue/purple, the pictures don't show the beautiful colors. And sorry, I still have to remove the pencil lines...........

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Last week I decided to join Sharon B's Encrusted Crazy Quilting Classes at
Although I started Crazy Quilting for about a year ago, I have the feeling that I still have a lot to learn. I am very happy that there are lessons to follow on Internet, because it is difficult to travel to the USA or Australia to join lessons in Crazy Quilting!
(or I must win the lottery......LOL)
Yesterday evening I printed out the instructions for the first lesson and this is the block I made for this lesson. I wonder if I maybe better can make one that is more monochrome.......

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Today I received this oriëntal heart from Lori from the USA, ain't it pretty, the middle part is embroidered, I especially like the "chopsticks" in her hair!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Week 5

This week Sharon challenged us to do something with the Chevron stitch, in Dutch Chevronsteek of zigzagsteek.I have sewn some rick rack to a heart I am working on with EdMar Iris variegated thread and did a variation in purple and yellow cotton DMC to one of my Victorian blocks.

Sunday, February 04, 2007


Lesa on CQForNewbies showed some 3" crazy quilt squares on her blog and asked who was crazy enough to swap some. Well, you must not say things like that to me Lesa.............LOL
Today I finished these two, one square took about 2 1/2 hours to make. I have put Fast2Fuse and a backing fabric to them, then stitched around with shiny Sulky thread by machine and must say, I really like them. Now back to making some more!


I already told you about the Crazy heart swap on CQForNewbies. This week I received this lovely embroidered heart from Donna in the USA. Donna, once again thanks for your nice heart!


I am in an Internet quiltgroup called Crazy Quilters Around the World. We are swapping 4 x this year, 3 baggies and a needlecase. I am paired to Maureen from Australia and she has sent me this nice baggie. I especially love the siggie, handpainted lace and shiny threads. She also sent a leaflet from the place she lives, boy, it looks like a great place for a holiday! Close to the ocean and lovely beaches, I really like the sun!

(Sorry for not updating for so long, but I had difficulties to start up my Blogger account)