Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Here you see the hearts I got finished this week.
The Oriëntal heart is for Peggy, she asked for purple and gold colors. Since I didn't have fabric in this colors I picked fabrics with these colors in it, hope she likes them.

The heart in pink and purple is for Karen, she asked for a romantic theme with hearts.
Found the purple fabric with golden hearts in my stash and added some heart buttons and lace for the romantic theme.
I am not so happy with how this heart turned out, maybe it is because I don't like this colors myself.

The heart with the French landscape is for Janet, she asked for jewel colors, landscape and bugs. I like this one the most.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


I am happy that I have finished 3 hearts this weekend for the swap on CQForNewbies. The black and red heart and the one
in jewel colors are for Jaki, the one with Tigger is for Leona.

I told you about our househunt 2 weeks ago. We decided not to buy the house we were looking for. The costs for upgrading the house with
a new bathroom upstairs, new kitchen, new windows etc. were so expensive that we decided to search further.....

Also I have made an 8" CQ block for the Season to Season Block Share on CQForNewbies. The season for this block share is WINTER. Each participant makes a CQ block in WINTER related colors/theme and then adds seam treatments and embellishes 1/2
of the block. Your share partner will embellish the other 1/2 of the block for you.
I found in my stash a piece of fabric with a cute snowman, so decided to make the whole block in these "country" colors.
Think the embellishme
nts can stay simple.

Friday, October 12, 2007


This weekend I am going to try to finish some hearts for the birthdayswap on CQForNewbies. Unluckely I am 4 hearts behind, I am really ashamed about that! This is a h
eart for my friend Jaki in Montana, she asked for a heart in her husbands favorite colors: black and red, hope she doesn't mind some grey also. In real the block is very vivid, the middle is made of striking red!I will show you a picture when it is finished!
Also it is my sons 22th birthday tomorrow, he will come to celebrate it with us and his 2 grandmothers on Sunday, so I also have some baking to do!

I want to show you some finds also, these old buttons I found on a fleamarket in France! Aren't the swallows cute (although a bit dusty....LOL)?