Sunday, April 22, 2007

Last weekend I visited a collectors fair in the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht. It is held twice a year and I am always looking much forward to this fair. Here you see some of my finds. I like to collect old sewing things and I couldn't resist this old pincushion, beaded and embroidered with bouclé yarn. The backside is made of dark red velvet, I think it is made around 1930. I also collect samplers made in red, called "merklappen"in Dutch, this one is from 1902. I wonder if the other one is not finished because it ends with ABC.....
The trim with the sequins is also from around 1930. I am definitely not collecting evening pursus, but couldn't resist
this one.........LOL Think you can imagine why?

1 comment:

Ati said...

Oh Wilma wat een vondsten!! De tas is té gek met die pauwenstaart. en de merklapen, aandoenlijk vind ik dat altijd, als kind heb ik er zelf zo op zitten zweten ;)