Sunday, December 30, 2007


and once again I was sick in bed!I was so happy to have 5 days free from work and of course at Saturday before Christmas I started having the flu, went to bed and was a bit better on Wednesday so I could join hubby, son, mother and mother-in-law for Christmas dinner on the 26th!
That way I didn't manage to do much CQ but I have finished the SOH Winterblock for Courtney, it was sent out yesterday to Gerry, you can see pictures from the unfinished block on Nov. 28th.
Also I want to show you some pictures of winter in the Netherlands.
Last week we had some very cold days with a little bit of snow. The pictures are made close to our home. We like to walk with the dog around this lake which takes about an hour.
Sorry for the small size of letters, but blogger is acting strange and doesn't change it to bigger!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Sunday we have decorated our Christmas tree. It is mostly decorated with old ornaments that I got from my grandmother, mother and MIL.
The white clock with the stars and the white ball with dots I have bought together with my parents when I was a little child. I could choose a new one each year. The small ornaments in the top were all from my grandmother Wilhelmina.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Year 2000 quilt

Because I can't show you any CQ project at this moment, here some pictures of my year 2000 quilt. It's handmade and handquilted and has 1999 different fabrics. Found that there was a double one after the quilt was finished.......

I am working on a Crazy Quilt at this moment for the exhibition of the Dutch Quiltersguild in September 2008 in my hometown Arnhem, have to finish it before February 1st., so a lot of work to do for me. Can't show you any pictures I am sorry!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


This week I received this little quilt from Ellen in Germany. We are both member of an Internet quiltgroup called the Sewpals and last year we had to send out a piece of autumn fabric to all 13 members on our birthday. We decided to make this year a small quilt with pieces of all this fabrics as birthdaypresent for one of the other Sewpals. I received this lovely pinwheelquilt and made the redwork for Lorenza in Italy.

This year we have swapped fabric with a tea/cake/coffeetheme and we are now thinking about what to do the next year with these fabrics, maybe we will do some kind of round robin. Will tell you more when we have decided what to do!

Maybe you noticed that I have not been blogging for some time, I am sorry for that, but I had to take it easy because of heartrhytm problems. Today I had an appointment with the
cardiologist but luckely there are no big problems found, so back to Crazy Quilting!

I have told you before about the Season to Season blockshare on CQForNewbies and showed you the Winter block I had made. This week I received the lovely STS Winterblock from Courtney that I have to embellish,I will start tonight working on it!
Of course I'll show you a picture when it is finished!

Sunday, November 11, 2007


This is the needlecase (open and closed)that I finished this weekend for Maureen in Australia, totally different from the one she made for me, hope she likes it! I used her favorite creme colors together with pink and green.

Sunday, November 04, 2007


Yesterday I received a package from Maureen from Australia.
It contained this gorgeous needlecase, you can imagine that I am very happy with it.
I only don't know if I dare to use it, beautiful as it is.
Maureen and I were swappartners this year at "CrazyQuiltersAroundTheWorld"
and we swapped baggies every 3 months and this is the last swap.
Maureen, thanks for being such a great swappartner, I enjoyed it very much!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Here you see the hearts I got finished this week.
The Oriëntal heart is for Peggy, she asked for purple and gold colors. Since I didn't have fabric in this colors I picked fabrics with these colors in it, hope she likes them.

The heart in pink and purple is for Karen, she asked for a romantic theme with hearts.
Found the purple fabric with golden hearts in my stash and added some heart buttons and lace for the romantic theme.
I am not so happy with how this heart turned out, maybe it is because I don't like this colors myself.

The heart with the French landscape is for Janet, she asked for jewel colors, landscape and bugs. I like this one the most.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


I am happy that I have finished 3 hearts this weekend for the swap on CQForNewbies. The black and red heart and the one
in jewel colors are for Jaki, the one with Tigger is for Leona.

I told you about our househunt 2 weeks ago. We decided not to buy the house we were looking for. The costs for upgrading the house with
a new bathroom upstairs, new kitchen, new windows etc. were so expensive that we decided to search further.....

Also I have made an 8" CQ block for the Season to Season Block Share on CQForNewbies. The season for this block share is WINTER. Each participant makes a CQ block in WINTER related colors/theme and then adds seam treatments and embellishes 1/2
of the block. Your share partner will embellish the other 1/2 of the block for you.
I found in my stash a piece of fabric with a cute snowman, so decided to make the whole block in these "country" colors.
Think the embellishme
nts can stay simple.

Friday, October 12, 2007


This weekend I am going to try to finish some hearts for the birthdayswap on CQForNewbies. Unluckely I am 4 hearts behind, I am really ashamed about that! This is a h
eart for my friend Jaki in Montana, she asked for a heart in her husbands favorite colors: black and red, hope she doesn't mind some grey also. In real the block is very vivid, the middle is made of striking red!I will show you a picture when it is finished!
Also it is my sons 22th birthday tomorrow, he will come to celebrate it with us and his 2 grandmothers on Sunday, so I also have some baking to do!

I want to show you some finds also, these old buttons I found on a fleamarket in France! Aren't the swallows cute (although a bit dusty....LOL)?

Sunday, September 30, 2007


Here you see a picture of the DYB block I just finished for Susie in England. The colors on the picture don't show very well. It has a nice shiny yellow/gold look. I first added the French lace,
this one I bought last week at the dollshouse fair. Then I outlined the flower with a buttonholestitch and made the swirl around the angel. Then I added the golden beads to give it the look Susie asked for. Susie have fun stitching all your blocks together!

This week was very busy with work and househunting, I think we finally found a new home, we are thinking about doing a bid on the one we have seen yesterday........ It was the home of an elderly couple that moved to an appartment. Everything is in the style and colors of around 1970, so a lot of work to do. New kitchen, new bathroom, all the painting has to be we have to do a lot of searching on the internet today for prizes etc.!

Friday, September 21, 2007


The 5th block is embellished by Nina from Norway. She also found the theme very difficult and looked through several Internet sites to get knowledge about Jeanne d'Arc. She learned that Jeanne knew how to stitch, but did not know how to read....!
She stitched the date of Jeanne's Memorial Day. She also used beautiful soft tones for the embellishments and button trail.

The 6th block is done by Susie from England and she used wonderful soft pastel colors.
She added the word "La Pucelle" (The Maid) and Joan of Arc's dates of birth and death and surrounded them with ribbon flowers and embroidery. Also she added a duster of buttons with dangling bead chains with little hearts on the end (the name for my CQ wil be "Joan of Arc had a heart", do you know the song??).

Once again ladies, thanks for all your beautiful work. Today I went to the market in my lunchbreak and bought 2 pieces of fabric, one ivory and the other one gold colored, will see if I can use one of them for the borders. Now I first have to finish the 3th block, will keep you updated of my progress.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I am really happy now that my DYB blocks are home again. The ladies that worked on them did a marvellous job! Thank you so much Susie, Cobi, Ati, Nina and Helina.

Block 1 is embellished by Cobi from the Netherlands. She found the Joan of Arc theme very difficult. After a lot of thinking she made a cross from lace with gold beads because Joan was so religious. The dove in the upper left corner is symbol for the Holy Ghost. Also Cobi embroidered the initial J. Between the silk roses she made leaves from woven picots, just beautiful!

The second block is embellished by Ati from Norway, she read a lot about Joan on the Internet and decided to add a "Fleur de Lis" and the word Liberté (Freedom). She also made a swirl with silk flowers in beautiful soft tones. I really love the combination of colors that gives such a soft look to this block!

The third block I have to embellish myself, I hope to get started with that soon.
The fourth block was embellished by Helina from Finland. She shares my admiration for Joan, she has visited the church of Rouen near the place where Jeanne d'Arc died, haven't seen that yet, this place is still on my wishlist. On my travels through France I have visited a lot of places that have a connection with Joan. I have been in the house in Domremy where Joan was born, in the basilic that was build to honour her that has the most beautiful wallpaintings of her life, in Chinon where she met King Charles VII, I could go on and on...I could show you so much pictures and tell you so much about her life but think I will be very boring doing that, since this blog is mostly about Crazy Quilting! Back to Helina's block:
She made the name "Jehanne" in Joan's handwriting and the crown of her banner in beautiful yellowish and brown handdyed silk threads. Also she tatted the lace in the right corner herself (which I could learn that!)and made a lovely buttontrail. Once again another beautiful block, it is a pity that the pictures don't do them justice!

With my fascination for Joan I think you all can imagine that this CQ will become a heirloom to me! Within the next days I will show you the other blocks.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Here a picture I promised you of the broches of Joan of Arc I found in France. I am looking forward to see if they fit the last DYB block I have to embellish, I hope to get the blocks back soon!
Susan, I am collecting not only statues, but also plates, old postcards, books etc. of Joan of Arc. The castle in Commesquiers was first build in the 11th Century and destroid
in the 17th Century, can you imagine that this castle is a ruine like this already for hundreds of years! I also like to walk around and have a look inside these castles and imagine how people lived there so long ago!
Gerry, I also like the combination of the red,black and creme but think I would have never picked them by myself!

Sunday, September 09, 2007


In april I showed you a picture of the wonderful fabrics I got from my birthday buddy Helen from Austria (see message 23-4).
During my vacation in France I have started sewing 6" crazy blocks from these fabrics and have made 9 until now. I have added some more fabrics in the same colors to get more variation. I even found in my cupboard a bag with pieces of Austrian fabric and t
rims that I bought during the Quiltexpo in Innsbruck, Austria in 1998, can you imagine that?
I don't especialy like the first block on the first row, so I think I will make a new one for that.
At one of the brocante markets I visited I found a lovely mother of pearl broche that looks great on this quilt, here you can see a close up from the block in the 3th row on the right, it is not finished yet, still have to make some little holes in the broche to sew it to the background.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

BACK AGAIN.........

from a nice vacation in France, although the weather wasn't as good as always, only 6 days of sun out of 17!! We have been driving around a lot and visited several castles, nice little towns and of course antique/brocante markets. We arrived home on wednesday and went back to France on Saturday for the biggest antiquemarket from Europe in Lille last Saturday, where I found 2 statues from Joan of Arc
for my collection, I am especially happy with this one!

The first Sunday of our vacation we went to the Marché aux Puces in St. Christophe-du-Ligneron, this market is twice a year in July and August, we try every year to go to one of them. You can read more on:
Here I found some turquoise depression glass (1920-1930) and some lace and glass buttons and fabric, which I can use in my "Austrian" Crazy Quilt. Oh, I forgot to
I also found 2 Joan of Arc broches, which I can pin to my DYB Crazy Quiltblocks!

Will show you a picture of them later this week.
This week we also visited 2 castles, the ruïnes of an 11th Century castle in Commesquiers and the ca
stle and parc de la Guignardière at Avrillé, you can read more of this castle on:, it has a lovely parc also where we walked around about an hour.
We also visited l'Île de Noirmoutier, this island is famous for it's high bridge and for the natural salt you can buy here. It also has a nice embroideryshop, where I found 2 books with alphab
eths to embroider. Also on the island is l'Île aux papillons, here you can walk between beautiful tropical plants and butterflies, here you see some pictures we made, to be continued.......

Thursday, August 09, 2007


but I am away until the end of August on vacation to France!

I have a lot to blog when I get back, so I hope you will visit my blog again by then!


Monday, July 30, 2007


Here you see some examples of tartans used for the making of kilts.
When we were in Scotland, we have visited the Scottish Kiltmaker Visitor Centre in Inverness at the Highland House of Fraser. Did you know that for one kilt you need 8 yards of fabric? And that a kilt for a man weights 12 to 14 kilos?
It was wonderful to see the craftmanship of the ladies that are sewing the kilts by hand, the fabric is very heavy and certainly not easy to sew through. I talked to the very friendly owner of the shop and he told that there are more then 400 tartans. When I told him that we were all quilters, he was so friendly to sell us small pieces of the fabric for a nice price (woolen tartan fabrics are very expensive, the cheapest one was around 50 Pound a yard)and I am looking forward to make a cosy woolen quilt of them in the wintertime. If you ever go to Scotland and want to know more about the making of kilts then you can learn a lot about
it over here: Highland House of Fraser.
Did I tell you that they also make the kilts for the English Royal Family?

I also forgot to tell about the pictures, the first one is a view on the Ben Nevis from Inverlochy Castle in Fort William and on the second picture you can see the mist come closer between the mountains of Loch Lomond. Next time I'll show some more pictures.

Monday, July 09, 2007

SCOTLAND - unforgettable in more than one way!!!!

From June 23th until June 30th I visited Scotland for a walking vacation with friends from England, Italy, Denmark, Canada and Holland. Scotlands' nature is unbelievable beautiful. We have been walking a lot up in the mountains, across little rivers and waterfalls and along lochs, didn't see Nessie by the way.......
We all stayed together in a lodge with view on the Ben Nevis
and had a great time together, everyone prepared a dinner from their own country and we even had a mystery dinner one evening. We also went to Mallaig with Harry Potters' steamtrain and went to Inverness wher
e we visited a kiltmaker
(I'll tell you more about it next time)and had dinner and a Scottish musicevening.
I will sure go back to Scotland in the future!

Unluckely the end of our vacation was a nightmare...........
My friend Imi and I had just checked in at the airport in Glasgow when two terrorists crashed a Jeep loaded with petrol and gas canisters into the terminal, it was supposed to have exploded into a fireball, taking the terrorists' lives and as many others as possible. We were so lucky that this didn't happen because the door frame was too sturdy and the car got stuck and some brave (police)men knocked the burning terrorist down who wanted to open the boot of the car and extinguished the fire before it exploded.
Because all flights were cancelled we had to stay on the floor of the terminal near the gates all evening, were brought to an exhibitioncenter in the night, dropped on the airport on Sundaymorning, waiting in a row of 6 miles until we could pick up our suitcases. There we were told that we had to search a hotel and book a flight back home by ourselves! At 14.00 we found a telephone in a Holiday Inn hotel (our mobile phones were out of order), phoned the KLM and they told us that we could go home no sooner then Thursday. After that we phoned home and luckely our DH's managed to get us on an Air France flight from Edinburg to Amsterdam on mondayevening and we arrived home mondaynight.
You can imagine that everything that happened takes the stuffing out of you. I still don't manage to get into my normal rhythm and need all my concentration for my new job in which I started last monday. I sure hope that I will soon be able to get back to Crazy Quilting and find some inspiration soon again!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

On Saturday I am flying to Glasgow for a walking vacation together with quilting friends from England, Denmark, Italy, Holland and Canada for a week. You can imagine that I am really looking forward to that! We will stay all together in a lodge in Fort William, close to the Ben Nevis. More information of this region you can find on:
When there we will play a Chinese dice game and everyone had to make a little quilt for that as rememberance of the trip. My friend Imi found these "handsome Scottish men" on the Internet and I decided to make a little redwork from it, it is A4 paper size.
See you again in one week!

Monday, June 18, 2007

DYB round robin, block 3

Here is a picture of the block I embellished for Ati in Norway, her theme is Chinese Tea. I decided to embroider a Chinese Tea jar, hope she'll like it. The colors are a bit strange on the picture, I tried to use all the colors that are already in the block, like red, yellow, blue and gold to get the right harmony.

Sunday, June 17, 2007


by Ati and Lorenza to tell 7 things you don't already know about me! Do I have to tell 14 things now? Think I'll stick to 7, here we go!

1. I love HUGE cars, my favorite is a Cadillac Escalade, color Gold Mist, but it is way to big for the Dutch the way, I drive a Landrover Freelander.

2. Maybe you want to know my shoesize........LOL
It is 42 with pain, so I am not only tall (1.80m), but live on big feet also.

. I like to watch motorsports, especially MotoGP, my favorite is Valentino Rossi, please don't disturb me when looking and of course also not during Grey's Anatomy!

4. I am married for 27 years tomorr

5. I believe that when one door closes another one opens for you.

6. I was born 6 weeks early.

7. I dislike wintertime.

So, do you know me better now?

Please have a look at my friends blogs also:


Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Last Sunday we went for a long walk in the wood near the castle of Doorwerth when we suddenly came in this lane that lead to the town of Oosterbeek. We were all surrounded by beautiful azalea's..... I am trying to walk a few hours every
Saturday and Sunday because I am going on a walking trip to Fort William in Scotland with quilting friends from all over the world in the last week of June, of course doggie Daisy is happy with that!


These Flower Fairie hearts I made for Candi and Ingrid. They look a bit pale on the pictures. Candi likes pastels and purple and Ingrid is from Dutch heritage, that's why I made her the one with the tulips.