A "sane" quilter for many years shows her steps into the world of crazy quilting and a glimpse of her daily life..
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
This autumn we have again decorated a table in front of our living room window and our little friend immediately came back like last year to get his peanuts!
I am sorry but it is almost impossible to translate..It is about the feeling in the rest of the Netherlands when Arnhem looked to get liberated and the hell they got instead.
Voor mij blijft Arnhem altijd zeventien september
altijd een beetje zondag, die grandioze
dag waarop de bevrijding hoog kwam aangevlogen
In Amsterdam, bij radio, telefoon, stemmen
en tegenstemmen, riepen wij: "Zij wel, zij wel!"
Atlassen gepakt, de loop van de Rijn bekeken,
een geluksland van Heveadorp tot aan Rheden.
Nog dachten wij aan feest toen. Zij hoorden de hel.
Ook wij, op die afstand, gingen grienend ten onder,
Arnhem en Oosterbeek, de brug, dat waren wij,
onherhaalbare tijden bitter en bijzonder.
Nee, geen enkele keer als ik door Arnhem rij,
dat ik geen spijt voel, zelfmedelij. En het wonder
van die septemberzondag: Ik ook. Ik ben vrij.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Would make a nice painting I think...........
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
We are very sad because our dear friend Gerard has died exactly on his 59th birthday.
He was a big, sweet guy with lots of humor and above all a great artist. He was also my artteacher until he got ill last year. Only 14 days ago we were still talking about going to paint
again together in September and now he is already gone, due to this dishonest disease we already lost so many dear friends and family to, life is so unfair sometimes..........
Rest in peace dear friend!
Sunday, August 08, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
The first one I made for Ati in Norway, who celebrated her birthday last week. She has sent me an article about making fabric paper some time ago, so this was a good opprtunity to give it a try!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Friday, July 16, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
I am back from a wonderful vacation in Florida!
We stayed in Orlando and Fort Myers Beach and have been driving around a lot.
The last part of the vacation at Fort Myers Beach was awesome. We stayed in a resort at the beach and have seen a lot of wildlife, I especially liked seeing dolphins and manatees diving up close to you!
Unluckely coming back in Holland we both got the flu, there were a lot of people sneezing in the airplane on our way back home.
Now life is back to normal (almost, there is a heatwave here in the Netherlands at this moment) so I started painting and sewing again. This weekend I have to finish a "landscape" fabric page for Margreet, I will show you a picture when it is ready. Last Thursday I finished this painting, some months ago I told you about the lambs that were born in front of our home, these are the little ones with their mother.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Thursday, May 06, 2010
This is sweet little Poekie, the other dachshund of my friends Karin and John. I showed them the painting (40x40cm)done in acrylics last Tuesday and they really liked it. Today I have put varnish on it and it looks even better.