My first painting (the little raven) is on display at an art-exhibition until Jan. 3th in the Schouwburg in Nijmegen, so if you're in the neighbourhood, you can take a look, admission is free. There are around 180 sculptures and paintings to see from amateur artists.
The picture is not that good I am sorry....
A "sane" quilter for many years shows her steps into the world of crazy quilting and a glimpse of her daily life..
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Today I received this lovely fabric page for my French themed fabricbook from Barbara in Germany. What a great idea Barbara to make the French (and Dutch!)coloured flag like this. Must say that
I envy you for your sewing machine that makes that wonderful stitches. Thanks so much Barbara!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Friday, December 04, 2009
Due to my illness my teacher was so sweet to put the finishing touch on my first oilpainting so it could be displayed on a big Art exhibition "Kunst in de markt" in the Eusebiuschurch in Arnhem last weekend. It is an impression of the slow march of the British Massed Pipes and Drums Band on "the Bridge too far" in Arnhem during the 65th Airborne commemoration last September.
Also I'd like to show you a picture of a fabric Christmascard I made for a swap, it is on it's way to Doreen in Australia.
Sunday, November 15, 2009

It is my first try on fabric paper that worked. Before this one I tried to make a little quilt like this, had my collage ready and dry and when I started to sew the binding on, a lot of paper
started falling off...........
I just don't seem to manage to keep my blog updated regularly. Life is so busy these days.
In my spare time I am working on a painting for an exhibition, have to finish it before the 26th and it is my first in oil paint, so I also need some days to let it dry!
Also I have organised my mothers 80th birthdayparty, which was yesterday and luckely a big success!
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
This fabric page I made in September for Janny in Holland, she choose a "Vintage" theme.
The page with this lovely Parisien lady I received yesterday. Doreen from Australia made it for me and it is a wonderful addition to my fabric pages with the "thinking of France"theme.
I am now working on a fabric page for Marja in Holland, her theme is "together". I'll show you a picture when it is finished.
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Friday, August 07, 2009
Yesterday I received this lovely package from Lola in Canada.
Fabric in my favorite color, a Piglet for my collection, an old hankie to use in my crazy quilting
and this little ashtray made from
Dutch Delftware, ain't it funny that this possibly travelled to Canada with someone and now is back on Dutch ground?
Thank you so much Lola for this price for the finishing challenge!
Sunday, August 02, 2009
These are the pages I made for June and July.
The first one I made f
The color of the picture is not very good, it is made of rich purples and greens.
The second one I made for Helga in Germany, her theme is "Angel among us".
I printed a picture that I made at Graceland, Memphis from a statue next to Elvis grave on fabric and found the poem on the Internet, the maker is unknown.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Fabric pages (sorry, but Blogger doesn't let me change the size of the characters....)
These are the fabric pages I have received in June and July.
The first one with Joan of Arcs emblem is made by Marja in Holland.
She made the page of felt and it looks just like an emblem you can sew on a jacket.
The other page is made by Janny, also from Holland. She stuffed the page made with Provence fabrics with lavender, so it smelled lovely when I opened the envelope.
Thank you both for your lovely work, I have pinned the pages with the other 4 I already received to the wall of my sewing room and it is becoming a wonderful collection.
Monday, July 13, 2009
La Belle South, a trip through 7 states.......
I don't know where to start with telling you about our wonderful 2964 miles long trip through the USA in June.
We started in Atlanta, here you see a
The next day we travelled through the beautiful Blue Ridge
I forget to tell that all the time we were in "La Belle South" there was a heatwave with temperatures around 95-100 degrees!!
To be continued......
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Today is a sad day for Michael Jackson fans all over the world, including me and my family. We just watched his memoral service and were very touched by it.
I grew up with Michaels music, danced on Billie Jean as a teenager, also our son, born in 1985, shares our love for his music.
Michaels made so much wonderful music, I think my favorite song is "little Susie".
I am happy that we all have seen Michael perform here in the Netherlands in the Amsterdam Arena in 1997 with the History tour.
Michael, rest in peace, your music will live forever!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
Maybe you have seen the blocks I received in the DYB (Do Your Block Round Robin) already. The last weeks I have been busy with embellishing my own block and sewing the 6 blocs together. Since there is no "sea bottom", I just embroidered over the other blocks also to get them more together and added some fishes and shelfs. Here you can see a close up of
I once again like to thank Maureen, Margreet, Hideko, Helina and Ati for their lovely work. Please click on the pictures to view them bigger!
I am now going to work on the bor
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
This is the fabric page I made for Cobi this month. She asked for a page with a Haiku on it. You can click on the picture to view it larger.
A Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry, consisting of 17 morae in 3 pfrases of 5,7 and 5 morae respectively.
I made the haiku in Dutch because that is Cobi's language also, but can give you a free translation:
Colourful butterfly
with your wings so fragile
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Some more fabric pages finished!
Here you see the april fabric page I made for Barbara in Germany. Her theme is "Universum". I planned to do much more on this page, but found it a pity to cut up this beautiful fabric Stargate by Robert Kaufman, it is so much speaking for itself.
I highlighted and made some falling stars with holografic thread, embroidered more stars with golden thread and stitched around the moon and stars and page with shiny (variegated) threads. I also finished the pages for May and June, but can only show you them when they have arrived at Cobi and Doreens doorstep.
I also want to show you a beautiful rhododendron I saw on our walk with doggie Daisy today, have never seen one in this orange
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Today I want to show you the wonderful fabric page Maureen from Australia made for me.
She knows about my Joan of Arc collection and even painted her house of birth in Domremy on the page.
Great work Maur
On the next picture you see me in the front door of Joan's home in her birthplace Domremy.
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Thank you all for your nice comments on my Under the seablocks and the congratulations for my birthday. Especially for Ing a picture of what I bought in Florida, it might have been worse.....LOL
Unluckely I am not feeling well already since my birthday, have been to the doctor and did some tests, will get the results next Wednesday, don't want to bore you with more about that.......
Today I also like to show you the beautiful fabricpostcards my friend Gunta from Latvia made for me. The first is for Valentine and the other one for my birthday, she is a very talented la
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
At Sunday it was my birthday and at breakfast my DH suprised me with presents and cards from quiltfriends, he had collected them until my birthday. Than we visited an exhibition where we bought a lovely painting of the harbor at Honfleur, France and in the afternoon my mother and MIL and my friends Karin and John came to visit at teatime. In the afternoon DH, me and my son had a nice dinner at a restaura
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Here you see the blocks from the "Under the sea"
blockswap embellished by Hideko from Japan and Maureen from Australia. These blocks have seen more of the world than I have, that is for sure.
Wish I could have travelled with them, it would have been great to meet all these Crazy Quiltfriends!
Hideko added some beads from Venetian glass to make the starfish and ain't the little seahorse cute? I also love how she made the movement in the block.
Maureen added an oya made by our friend Rengin from Turkey, it looks like a real sea urchin! I love the coral made from double cast-ons at the dolphins tail and how she made the other sea urchin I can only admire........
The last picture is of the fabric page I received in this months fabric page swap from Mieke in the Netherlands. Love the "tournesol" and the Provence fabric in this page, looks really French like I wanted!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
The first one is embellished by Helina from Finland, I love the corals she did and the seaweeds with real shells!
The next one is done by Margreet from the Netherlands, l
The last one is done by Ati in Norway, I love the jellyfish in the middle and the sea anemone and the coral which she made of an old collar!
Tomorrow I'll show you the blocks done by Hideko and Maureen.
Now I have to embellish the last block by myself and then sew the blocks together and add a border. I did already buy a beautiful cobaltblue piece of silk, I hope it colores with the blocks.